Friday, August 2, 2013

Surviving an affair

Surviving an affair, by Willard F. Harley jr. And Jennifer Harley Chalmers. To start off I need to clarify that I have no personal experiences in affairs. So I wasn't coming at this book looking for it to help me fix something. As far as how much it will help, I really can't say because I don't think I can even imagine the heartache that an affair causes. But it was an interesting read to glimpse into that world through these authors and their explanations of why affairs happen and how to survive it. I do think though that the authors need to thread very carefully on how they talk about the "fault" of the affair as it seemed to me sometimes that they leaned towards the "innocent" party being the one to drive the other to an affair. It takes the bigger person to start searching for healing in a relationship and it takes a lot of forgiveness! I would pass this book along if I did find myself speaking to dine one going through this situation because it does have some very good points! But like I said I do think they needed to be a little more cautious.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

Small town girl

Small town girl, by Ann H. Gabhart. Sometimes things in life just suck. Sucks in the your sister is marrying the man you love kind of way! But that's the situation Kate finds herself in, her sister marrying the only man she loves. Jay spies her and falls for her pretty quick! If only he can get her to fall for him too! But she's trying to convince herself that she will fall for no one! But war changes things, it always does. And with Jay leaving to fight in it Kate finds herself falling for him and worrying about him! But Kate knows where her strength comes from and Jay does not....
    This book was a little slow moving at the beginning, but once you got a bit in it really picked up! I have read previous books by this author and have always enjoyed them! This book has you falling in love with the characters and longing for more books about them!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

Trouble in store

Trouble in store, by Carol Cox. Out of options. That's where Melanie finds herself, she has no where else to turn when she finds a store has been left to her by a relative. With no other options she moves in to take over! Well not only was the store left to her, but it was also left to Caleb by his uncle, who happened to be a co-owner! So an unlikely partner ship is made, not happily made mind you. And surely if Caleb can find done one for Melanie to marry, anyone really, she would leave the mercantile to him! Except that he didn't expect for feelings to get in the way....he also didn't expect mystery and intrigue to get in the way either! Dead bodies, gossiping people, will they even survive working in this place? 
   Great book! And a fun read! It kept me captivated beginning to end! I love these books that don't make their female characters simple and unable to manage anything!  Put it in your Christian must read list!!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

A most peculiar circumstance

A most peculiar circumstance, by Jen Turano. I read the first book in this series and quite enjoyed that book. I knew by the first novel that this authors books tend to move fast and you need to pay attention or you'll get lost! We find ourselves right snack in the middle if Arabella life, or should I say troubles lol. She believes in the woman's movement and believes her place is right in the heart of it! She's out to prove that a woman can and will succeed on her own, except that she lands herself in jail and then needs the help of a certain man...and that's only the beginning of the story!! This is a fast paced, funny and entertaining read! It goes along wonderfully with the first book in the series! It surely will not disappoint! After reading these two books I am a fan of this author! I can't wait to see the next book! 

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

Angels in the fire

Angels in the fire, by Dan Stadler. A remarkable testimony of Dan and Tracey Stadler. When hit by a drunk driver people were able to pull Dan from the wreckage, but Tracey was trapped. It seemed as though she would not get out and her life was ending, when a glorious stranger came out from the woods. He rescued Tracey from the vehicle and saved her life. We follow this couple through that event and others through their lives and marriage. God works in all our lives, we just need to recognize that he's there! This is an amazing book that will give you goose bumps (Or Holy Spirit bumps if you're feeling religious lol)! I loved the message of this book, God is there, He cares, He is involved! He is our ever present help! I love books that help draw you closer to the heart of God and this is one of them! I highly recommend this book!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".