Friday, February 10, 2012

The voice new testament

The voice new testament. This is among my favorite Bibles! The gospel's are written in such a way that its more like reading a play than it is reading a book, at first I wasn't fond of this. But after a while it really grew on me. The rest of the new testament is written in "normal" form, but they way they translate the words in this version is so bold and so blunt! I love how things are worded and it is my Bible that I refere to all the time! I have quite a collection of different versions of the Bible and New testaments and this is at the top of those that I prefere to read! This is a great first Bible for the new believer you know, but its also a refreshing translation for those who have been saved for a while! I highly recommend this Bible and can't wait for it to come out in the whole Bible not just the New testament!

New Testament has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson

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