Fierce hearted, by Holley Gerth. I love Holly Gerth books! I have a number of them already. She is so real and gets the real struggles we face. She has real advice, not the Christian go to answers! I love everything that she’s written so far including this book! She’s such a wonderful advocate for the Christian woman. Bringing wholeness and freedom! This book is all about embracing who God made us to be, knowing who we are through what God says about us. She is such an encouragement to me and I love all the books she’s written. So good!!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
All she left behind
all she left behind, Jane Kirkpatrick. I love historical fiction, this book retelling the stories of people who came before us and their hardships and realities are my favourite genre. It’s not the “all lived happily ever after” kind of fiction. It’s real. It’s depicts real struggles, real tragedies, we get a glimps back in time to how ppl lived and their hardships. After an accident Jennie is a single mother with a desire to become a doctor. Both of which are frowned on. Yet she has a vast knowledge and a kind heart longing to help others. We get the privilege of following her as she cares, heals, and lives. An amazing book that I’m sure all will love!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
These healing hills
These healing hills, by Ann H. Gabhart. I love Ann Gabharts books. I’m always so thrilled when I get a book by her. They are always so so so good! She truly is a gifted author! I also love a good historical fiction book. This had it. It really is the best of all worlds. Francine after some heartache leaves home to train to become a midwife in the Appalachian mountains. She crosses pathed with Ben who’s just returned from years spent at war and a love blossoms! Back home Francine’s family wants her to return, yet she’s found a place to fit in with the people where she is!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
The proving
The proving, by Beverly Lewis. Due to the inability to get along with her sibling Amanda leaves the Amish community becoming an Englisher. She learns that her mother has now passed away and has left the bead and breakfast that the family runs to Amanda if she can run it for 12 months. Amanda is strong willed and determined to make this a success so she can sell it and get back to her English life.
This is a great story of forgiveness. Of course it’s going to be an amazing book! Beverly Lewis wrote it! This book is no different. A great read. I looked forward to reading it!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
This is a great story of forgiveness. Of course it’s going to be an amazing book! Beverly Lewis wrote it! This book is no different. A great read. I looked forward to reading it!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Unwrapping the names of Jesus
unwrapping the names of Jesus, an advent devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu. This devotional consists of 4 weeks of devotions over a course of 5 days each week. Each devotional showing us the names of Jesus. There is such a sense of power and presence when reading through these. My heart felt so full. It was just what I needed for this Christmas season. I’d have to say my absolute favourite was the devotion titled “ajesus is the Prince of Peace”. Who doesn’t need that over the business of the Christmas season? Or for a lifetime! It hit so close to home. This devotional is short enough that it’s great for the whole family, yet deep enough that all will be fed well reading through it. Knowing and learning the names of Jesus is so important. I love everything about this book. It is so well done.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review!
Thursday, October 19, 2017
The way of hope
the way of hope, a fresh perspective on sexual identity, same sex marriage and the church, by Melissa fisher. The topic of homosexuality and same sex marriage are is hard topic to discuss within the church. It is often one that has met with condemnation, disgust, and the pointing out of sins. It is an area that I feel the church in North America has yet to grasp the hope and grace that we can offer to a people that are largely untouched by the church. We have a hope to those were hurting and grace and healing that God offers. The author touches on her own personal story of abuse, homosexual lifestyle and the pain and suffering. She brings to us unique perspective of receiving that healing and that grace and mercy and finding that relationship with Christ. So then we get the unique opportunity to learn from someone who is been there and has been healed to find out what we as a church can do to reach people in that community. I think we have come to a time where the world knows our opinions on homosexuality but it doesn't know our grace. If the world doesn't know our love and our Grace more than it does our judgements then we've done something wrong. If we can look for a way to accept people despite their sins then maybe we have a chance of reaching people who think they are rejected by us. This author does an awesome job of guiding us in a way that we can help. I can't say enough good things about this book, I wish that every pastor and every deacon and every elder would have a copy of this. In fact I wish that every Christian would get a copy of this, it is in desperate need in our world to have healing from sexual sins, abuse, etc.
" this book was provided courtesy of Baker publishing group and graf-Martin communications Inc."
" this book was provided courtesy of Baker publishing group and graf-Martin communications Inc."
The Promise of Dawn
The Promise of Dawn, by Lauraine Snelling. An uncle in America sent a letter to his family in Norway requesting help on his farm to fell trees and to run the farmland in exchange he promises after the repayment of the passage to give them a portion of land. Rune decides that his families will be the ones to go to America to help and to start a new life. They are unprepared for the hard life that awaits for them and the hardness of the family they're going to join. Yet we also find the chipping away of that hardness as they build a family relationship. I love books to give you a historic picture of what life was like years ago. There seems to be a simplicity of the time yet the work was so hard and demanding. Lorraine Snelling does a great job with drawing us into the story and drawing us into a time so much more different than where we are today. I often struggle with Christian fiction novels because so many of them are about romance. But this book isn't, it's about family. It was such an enjoyable read. I loved getting to know every character and following their story, I can't wait until the other books in the series come out. This is a fiction book that just leaves you full. I highly recommend this book it is a great read.
"Book provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
"Book provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
Friends, partners & lovers
Friends, partners & lovers, by Kevin A. Thompson. I've been married 17 years now and for those 17 years have struggled to come across marriage books that are any good. For the most part it's just books telling wives to submit to your husbands and that all will be better because that's the only godly way. That's not something I believe or that I would even practice. A godly marriage is two people put each other first submitting to one another and caring for each other's needs. Kevin Thompson gets this, and his book he talks about our roles as spouses and how we can make a marriage that lasts. It is being purposeful and it was working hard, it's not about lack of fights, but rather about being intentional in what we say and do with our spouses. He give us key area on what makes a marriage work and how we can practically apply those to our marriage. This is a great book for those who been married for years or even for those who are going to be married soon. Although I'm sure not that we agree with every aspect of what he says there's so much in here that is so great. It is well worth reading and well worth putting into practice. It is something that is improving my 17 year marriage and is sure to have positive impact on anyone else reads it. Definitely a book I will be recommending to friends and family.
" because been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications, Inc."
" because been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications, Inc."
Doing busy better
doing busy better, by Glynis whitwer. I find that it is a mom and a wife that my life seems to be pretty busy. I also found that I enjoy being busy all the time for a period of time. But there's just something that happens to you when you don't take that time to have that godly rest. In this book Glynnis reveals to us the truth it's sitting right in front of our faces. That Jesus gives us rest. Jesus said my yoke is light and my burden is easy yet we find it so hard to put that into practice. The author points out or unhealthy practises and or false believes about identity and who we are when we tie it into what we do. There is much benefit to the rest that she talks about including a rest for your soul and your spirit. We need to find the things that really matter and stop associating ourselves and our identity with things that don't matter. In this book we find a way to prioritize and figure out what actually matters and how to make those moments count when we are busy. Most of all we find the The most beneficial thing and that is to rest at the feet of Jesus. Sometimes all we really need is someone to give us permission to rest. For someone to tell us that it's OK to not be busy all the time, in this book we find the tearing apart of lies that we tell ourselves and others tell us. This is a great Book and although it is geared towards moms and wives it is a truth that all people need. This was a great book and a very timely book. I highly recommend it and this author.
" Book has been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
" Book has been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
The return
the return by Suzanne woods fisher. And this third book of the almost forgetting series we find Betsy Zouk has been kidnapped by the Indians along with her brother, and her family brutally attacked and killed. She is given to one of the clans and is accepted as part of them. And although she finds that her new home and family are friendly and caring she longs to be home where she belongs. A friend she makes while captured finds a way to free her. She's returned back to her Amish community and discovers that one brother survived the attack. Her friend also manages to be able to free her brother who is being held by another clan. They were returned home together to start a new life as Amish again. We find a high amount of conflict between the Indians and the settlers of that time. Neither trust the other and both have done horrible things. It just happens that the Amish people got caught in the middle of that. Now Betsy must try and find a new normal and figure out her faith and beliefs.
I have loved this series. Suzanne woods Fisher is one of my favourite authors. She has done an amazing job of pulling these three books together and creating a story that captures you from the beginning to the end. I found myself lost in the series and unable to put it down. There was a lot of late-night reading. I highly recommend this book it was well written with so many truths and always pointing towards a loving God.
" Book has been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
I have loved this series. Suzanne woods Fisher is one of my favourite authors. She has done an amazing job of pulling these three books together and creating a story that captures you from the beginning to the end. I found myself lost in the series and unable to put it down. There was a lot of late-night reading. I highly recommend this book it was well written with so many truths and always pointing towards a loving God.
" Book has been provided courtesy of baker publishing group and graf-martin communications Inc."
Thursday, July 6, 2017
invitation by Bill Myers, frank Peretti, Angela Hunt and Alton Gansky. In this novel we meet four people who come together under unusual circumstances. Brenda, the professor, Andi, and cowboy. Each one has an amazing ability that helps them throughout this novel. Such as Brenda's ability to see the future. There's four parts to this book as each of the different authors takes on one of the different four characters writing from their perspectives. We discover how each of the four characters are connected, what reason God has brought them together for,and how each of the details in their stories come together and why they are important.
I really enjoyed this book. These aren't typically authors I read books from, but I'm glad I did. I have mixed feelings on it though. As much as I loved the book I struggle with how much we should be focusing on evil and giving it stories? I don't have an answer for that. It still was well written and I loved the four different authors writing. It came together well! It was super entertaining and suspenseful. Definitely keeps your attention right through till the end.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
I really enjoyed this book. These aren't typically authors I read books from, but I'm glad I did. I have mixed feelings on it though. As much as I loved the book I struggle with how much we should be focusing on evil and giving it stories? I don't have an answer for that. It still was well written and I loved the four different authors writing. It came together well! It was super entertaining and suspenseful. Definitely keeps your attention right through till the end.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Women who move mountains
Women who move mountains, praying with confidence, boldness and grace, by Sue Detwieler. There's so may things we let hinder our relationship with God. Be it fear, hurt, resentment, etc. In this book Sue Detwieler tackles so many of those issues and how it hinders us and how to over come them. We get chapters talking to us about those obstacles and the biblical reference and how to over come, then the next is how wet can apply them to our lives and put them into action. There's even a 21 day guide at the end of the book. I can't actually say enough good things about this book. It's been life changing. I felt for so long like I was just stuck in hers revolving rut of fear, lack of faith, unbelief, etc. She takes on those topics with so much revelation and grace and guides us through them. I did a slow read on this book. Excuse there was just so much to process. I did two chapters a day till it was done and also kept a journal with it. This has been a tremendously helpful book and will be one I'll be recommending a lot!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
One dominion
one dominion, celebrating Canada prepared for a purpose. I love this book! What a great way to celebrate Canada 150!!! It's packed with so much of the Godly history and Godly foundations that Canada was built on! There was so much I didn't know! There's the story of faith filled believers who changed things for the better! Hospitals, universities, legislation, social social programs, etc! Even Manitoba had their roots in Godly foundations! Wow! I was so amazed and inspired reading through this book! It is a wealth of information that we should all know!! It's amazing! Every Canadian believer needs to get their hands on a copy!
Book has been provided courtesy of Bible League Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Bible League Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
The imperfect disciple
The imperfect disciple, grace for people who can't get their act together, by Jared Wilson. I've never read a book by this author before! I was so pleasantly surprised to find such a treasure! Grace. It's something we all need. I think me more than any others ;) it's a message that so many Christians miss or just don't understand. Here we hear about his life's journey with grace and teaching us what it means to have it! What good news we have! Grace is one of those subjects that always reduces me to tears. I love it. I love the lessons I love the teaching and love him passing this on to us. There is so much encouragement in this book! Let's see Jesus for who he really is! Love this. So highly recommend this book!! So good!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
The ebb tide
the ebb tide, by Beverly Lewis. Yes!!!!! Beverly Lewis is one of my favourite authors of Amish fiction!!! I was so excited that she was coming out with a new book and even more excited that I was going to be able to review it! Her books always leave you feeling like a deep longing is being fulfilled. In this novel we meet Sallie. She seems like she was born for being more than Amish. She wants to see the word, to travel to experience life beyond the Amish. Even though she has an Amish man interested in her and could have a good life if she chooses to settle down and join the church. She asks her family to allow her to spend the summer nannying. She wants to do at least one last adventure before settling down. She agrees that if she can just do this she will come. Ack and join the church. So we get to follow her on her struggles, her adventures and her choices. It's such a wonderful book just like all of Lewis's other books. This will be read many times over. ❤️
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Your next 24 hours
Your next 24 hours, one day of kindness can change everything, by Hal Donaldson with Kirk noonan. This is a very practical book! With the potential of having a big impact. I loved the book and the ideas that it presents and how it inspires you to do more for others and take care of your own home/community/etc. The stories are great! I love the suggestions of 5 things you can put into practical use to improve others lives! I love the encouragement that we can always choose kindness "kindness is not contingent on their attitude". I have big plans of sharing this book and it's ideas with my family and making use of the suggestions. It really is a great book! Highly recommend!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
A stolen heart
A stolen heart by Amanda Cabot. Yikes! Poor Lydia!! One of our main characters travels to meet her fiancé to find he's already someone else's husband and soon to be father and has taken off!!! Not only that she finds herself to be taking the blunt of the blame/anger/etc of the people just because of where she's from! Thankfully the sherif takes his duty seriously to care for and protect people in his town which includes Lydia! There were certain aspects of this book that I really liked. I love the historical stories in these kind of books, but I'm not a big fan of it's predictability. It's a classic Christian romance novel! Although I have plans on reading the rest of them when they come out. It's a great easy read! And the story does draw you in!!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Treasured grace
Treasured grace by tracie Peterson. In this novel we meet grace, who finds herself raising her sisters in times that are really hard! This book seems to have it all! Thrills, romance, trouble, redemption! And more! I did really enjoy this book. Tracie Peterson is among some of my favourite authors. I love picking up a book and getting lost in it. I also love reading historical books. It's like travelling back in time! I'm trying to think of more to say about this book I just don't want to give away the story?? I guess I'll just end off with really recommending this book. It really is a treasure!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Quick Tips for Busy Families
Quick Tips for Busy Families, sneaky strategies for raising great kids by Jay Payleitner. As a mom of four kids ranging from 1-13 years old I understand being busy. Top that off with being a family in ministry and life gets pretty hectic. I looked forward to reading this book! He has some great tips through the book, like teaching our kids to pause what they're doing when we need their attention. I have to admit that I find the set up of the book a little awkward, but I guess it makes it easy to flip through when looking for a certain subject. Some suggestions I think were just common sense or hopefully should be, but there was some advice in their that gave me pause! Over all I did enjoy it!!!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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